Risk exploration
Flooding in the centre of Setúbal in 1941
Flooding in the centre of Setúbal in 1941
Historically, Setúbal experienced several flash floods that were triggered by intensive rainfall (<100mm/day). In fact, flash floods occurred almost once in 10 years between the 1940s and 1980s. Especially, the flash flooding event in 1983 and a more recent one in 2008 generated strong disruptions and devastating damages in downtown Setúbal.

The main risks connected to flash floods in Setúbal are:

  • the flooding of roads which can disrupt emergency services and cut off the harbour area, and
  • the affected population living in old buildings in the centre of the city.

Applied Workflow: Extreme precipitation

Applied scenario: Projections of precipitation magnitutes for RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5