⚠️ This is the first operational version of the handbook, but it is still a work in progress and will be heavily updated during 2024! ⚠️


Upload image to GitHub#

In order to display the image in the Handbook you first need to add it to the images directory in the crabook repository.

Quick way to do it is to navigate to the crabook/images folder and click on the Add file


and then Upload files:



Please give meaningful names to the images so it is clear where it belongs.

Add an image to the page#

This is how you add image to the page:

```{image} ../images/open_call.jpeg
:width: 400px
:align: center
:name: open-call

../images/open_call.jpeg is the path to the image file.



If you want, you can also make your image be a link to a web page. In this example we have next image linking to the Open call page on the CLIMAAX website.

```{image} ../images/open_call.jpeg
:target: https://www.climaax.eu/fstp-open-call/
:width: 400px
:align: center
:name: open-call



Add a figure to the page#

You can also add a numbered figure like this:

```{figure} ../images/ev_data_image2.png
name: population
Comparison of the spatial population distribution in GHS-POP, WorldPop, and GPW v4

Fig. 26 Comparison of the spatial population distribution in GHS-POP, WorldPop, and GPW v4#

When figures are added, they are automatically numbered.

See also

You can read more about images and figures in the JupyterBook documentation