⚠️ This is the first operational version of the handbook, but it is still a work in progress and will be heavily updated during 2024! ⚠️

Flood hazard datasets

Flood hazard datasets#

Riverine flooding is when streams and rivers exceed the capacity of their natural or constructed channels to accommodate water flow and water overflows the banks, spilling out into adjacent low-lying, dry land.

The flood hazard maps present the potential water inundation for different flooding scenarios (return periods). The hazard maps do not account for the effect of flood defence structure (e.g. dikes, barriers) in lowering the hazard intensity.

The dataset is available for Europe for 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500-year return periods. This map also shows exposure layers representing Buildings and Built-up density retrieved from Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL)

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