FWI simulations with CMIP6-informed perturbations (mirror)#
- Dataset ID
- Spatial coverage
- In workflows
- Original source
30-Year Canadian Fire Weather Index Simulations over Europe: CMIP6-Informed Temperature and Precipitation Perturbations (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10458186)
- Author
- Year
- License
- Related publication
El Garroussi, S., Di Giuseppe, F., Barnard, C. et al. Europe faces up to tenfold increase in extreme fires in a warming climate. npj Clim Atmos Sci 7, 30 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-024-00575-8
This mirror contains the original data reencoded and with transposed coordinates in a zarr dataset. See below for more information on the applied transformations.
- Dataset type
This mirror is provided for the convenice of CLIMAAX workflow users only. Please use the original data source for citations and general access. Availability of and URLs associated with this dataset may change without announcement.
Dataset transformation#
The following processing was applied to the original dataset to create this mirror:
# Input original datasets (grib) in ./zenodo
# Intermediate transposed datasets (netcdf) in ./transposed
# Output dataset (zarr) in ./fwi_1981-2010_europe
import os
import glob
import xarray as xr
files = glob.glob("zenodo/*.grib")
# Values from 0 to 500
fwi_encoding = {
"dtype": "int16",
"scale_factor": 0.007629627368999298,
"add_offset": 250,
"_FillValue": -32768
# Create intermediate transposed NetCDF datasets
for file in files:
fname, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))
# Open, drop gridpoints without data and optimize for timeseries access
data = xr.open_dataset(file, engine="cfgrib", backend_kwargs={"indexpath": ""}, chunks={"time": 1024})
data = data.dropna("values", how="any")
data = data.transpose("values", "time")
# Add perturbation coordinates
_, dt, dp, *_ = fname.split("_")
assert dt.startswith("T")
dt = float(dt[1:])
assert dp.startswith("P")
dp = float(dp[1:])
data = data.assign_coords({"dt": [dt], "dp": [dp]})
# Write to file
data.to_netcdf(f"transposed/{fname}.nc", encoding={"fwinx": fwi_encoding})
# Merge all into chunked location-first zarr dataset
x = xr.open_mfdataset("transposed/*.nc", chunks={"values": 32})
x = x.transpose("values", "dp", "dt", "time")
x = x.chunk({"dp": 6, "dt": 6, "values": 32, "time": None})
# Don't chunk the coordinate dimensions
x["latitude"] = x["latitude"].compute()
x["longitude"] = (((x["longitude"].compute() + 180) % 360) - 180)
x["valid_time"] = x["valid_time"].compute()